Where it all starts.

EfferSan Sanitizing Spray
Buckets need Bags!
Boots need Booties!
Wysiwash Hose sanitizer


Each of our tools, boots, and gloves get sprayed down before each job to ensure complete peace of mind and cleanliness.
EfferSan is an industry standard multipurpose disinfectant and sanitizer.
It wipes out everything from parvovirus, to distemper, to the common cold.


Poopy Scoopy is proud to say we’ve always kept sanitation, and fresh bags, top priority.
A fresh bag on a bucket may not seem like much, but in a poll conducted by Pet Waste Technicians only 60% of single employee poop scoopers used bags on their buckets.


Fresh boot covers are important because you never know what may be hiding in the soil.
Viruses like parvo can live in the soil for years and benign things like digging or heavy rain can bring them to the surface.
Fresh booties and a spray of sanitizer easily ensure a safe, clean scoop.


For clients who really want to ensure their yard is clean and odor free: Wysiwash is perfect.
Often added on as a service to a one time scoop, Wysiwash is an effective, industry-leading sanitizer and deodorizer that is used nationwide in kennels, doggy-day-cares, and pet stores.
We just plug into a hose, spray, allow to dry, and you’re virus, bacteria, and smell free.